
We recently received generous donations from the families of some of our youngest adopters, and along with those donations came these incredibly sweet letters! We’re so grateful for these thoughtful and generous young women, as well as their families.

Letter Reads:

Dear Golden Gate Lab Retriever Rescue,

My name is Alexandra and I’m ten years old. I’m donating to your cause because we recently adopted a dog who went through a major trauma event in his puppyhood. I’m donating so that no dogs go through what happened to him, or worse, and because we appreciate that you try to stop that kind of thing.


Letter Reads:

Dear Golden Gate Lab Rescue,

My name is Jacqueline. I’m nine years old and why I choose to donate money to GGLRR is because my dog as a pup had a terrible owner who threw him out of the house, tied him to a pole in San Francisco, and left him there with a bag of dog food! And why I’m donating to you is I don’t want any dog (young or old) having to experience what my dog did. Or experience much worse.


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